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Linkinhorne Parish Council


Any documents listed below are also available on application to the Parish Clerk. Information provided is correct at time of going to press but no responsibility is accepted for any loss or damage caused due to the use of this information.


Parish Plan Update April 2013

Policies & Procedures

Electrical certificate for Minions Public Conveniences

Linkinhorne Parish Council Privacy Notice

Employers Liability Insurance 2023-2024

Risk Assessment and Action Plan 2023

Equal opportunities Policy

Complaints Procedure

Training and Development Policy

Freedom of Information publication scheme

Grievance procedure

Pre application protocol

Health and Safety Policy

Code of Conduct


Standing Orders

A Councillor Who me?

Be the change, Lead the change

What is a Parish Councilor


Financial Regulations 2024

Monthly / Annual Transparency code information 2023-2024

Annual Governance and Accountability return section 2

Notice of Public Rights 2023-2024

Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023

Risk Management Review

Annual Internal Audit Report 2024

Annual Governance and Accountability return 2023-2024

Copy of Budget 2024-2025

Bank Reconciliation 2023-2024

AGAR Section 1

Budget 2024-2025 reserves


Grant advert 2023

Grant Application Form 2023

Grants Policy 2023


Notice of Burial 2023

ICO Registration 2024-2025

Election of member representatives to outside bodies 2024

Burial Ground Regulations and Fees 2024

Memorial application 2022

Being a Good Employeer 2016

Good Councillors Guide 2018